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Educational Resources

Links to Other Programs

UC Integrated Pest Management Program


The UC IPM Program helps residents, growers, land managers, community leaders, and other professional pest managers prevent and solve pest problems with the least unintended impacts on people and their surroundings.


Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program


EFNEP is a federally-funded program that offers nutrition education to limited-resource families and children. The goals include providing information about food choices for healthy living and reduced risk for chronic diseases, safe food handling, storage and preparation, and making the most of resources to feed the family.


Master Gardeners of Orange County

https://mgorange.ucanr.edu/ (Statewide: https://mg.ucanr.edu/)

The UC Master Gardener Program extends to the public UC research-based information about home horticulture and pest management. They provide up-to-date, practical and sound gardening advice.


Master Food Preservers of Orange County


The Master Food Preserver program is a public service community outreach providing up-to-date information on food safety and preservation.  Volunteers are formally educated and disseminate information via lectures, talks and other county events.


Orange County 4-H

www.oc4h.org (Statewide: 4h.ucanr.edu)

4-H emphasizes enrichment education through inquiry based learning.  Youth are encouraged to discover their passions, adopt a growth mindset, practice self-reflection and set goals.


Orange County Water Quality and Water Resources


The program is designed to promote research-based information on sustaining water, one of our most precious natural resources. Provides practices to reduce run-off, conserve water, and improve the water quality generated by urban activities.